Friday, May 1, 2009


I think I may have FINALLY got blogger to post a video! (finger's crossed!) This is a video of Indy swimming. I still find myself thinking "go Indy! GO!" when I watch it! She usually gets all the way to the rope, but I didn't manage to catch the video of it.

Here's another video I took of her the other day. I haven't figured out how to rotate videos, (if anyone knows, please help!) so sorry you'll have to tilt your head to watch. But trust me, it's worth it! Indy has her own little Fisher Price brand mp3 player, which is, seriously THE best thing "Santa" has ever got for her. She's listening to it in this video and watching her shadow on the wall. She didn't know I was taping her, so she was being pretty stinking cute!


susan said...

You have I really cute little girl that is amazing in everything she does.

Tara and Dan said...

She's like a little fish! Look at her go!! Too cute :)

Uploading videos to Blogger sucks. I had to use Youtube.