Tuesday, May 5, 2009

HOLY CRAP! 2 posts in one DAY!

A-Z of ME
For those of you who have never done this, It's interesting to find out what other people say.. Give it a try! (I decided if I'm wasting this much time, I might as well mutli-task!... blog and facebook in one shot! NICE!)

A- Available:No
- Age: 28
- Animals: YES! more than necessary

B- Beer: on the right day
- Birthday: Jan. 7
- Best Friend: boyfriend: Eric girlfriend: Lindsaylou
- Body Part on opposite sex: eyes and hair
- Best feeling in the world: the smile and excitement on my child's face
- Best weather: a warm rain storm
- Been in Love: yep
- Been on stage? yep
- Believe in Magic: look around, how can you not?
- Believe in Santa: of course!

C- Candy: Babe Ruth
- Color: blue
- Chocolate/Vanilla: strawberry... actually....
- Chinese/Indian/Italian Food: ooo... indian (just cuz i don't get it as often!)
- Cake or pie: oh, easy choice....Beau Brumbels Cake - only (local bakery)( i totally stole that answere from my sis!! ahahaa!)
- Continent to visit: India... and Thailand... is thailand in india??!?!
- Cheese: YES please! the stinkier the better!

D- Day or Night: night
- Dancing in the rain: absolutely! best invention ever... rain boots!

E- Eyes: brown... mostly
- Ever fail a class? nope, i could BS like no other!

F- First thoughts waking up: crap... what do i have to do today.... and i'm i going to get everything done?
- Food: sushi

G- Greatest Fear: the unknown
- Goals: be joyful and grow (and hopefully help those around me to do the same)
- Get along with your parents? Yes sure!

H- Hair Color: dirty blonde (i'd honestly like to call it brown but i really can't... poo!)
- Happy: Try to be but wish i was more often
- Holiday: HALLOWEEN and Independence day (cuz well it's my daughter's day!)

I- Ice Cream: strawberry

J- Jewelry: i try, but i ususally don't suceed!
- Job: mom, and occasionally a spasmatic little gym teacher!

K- Kids: 1
- Kickboxing or karate: i'd LOVE to take karate!
- Keep a journal? i blog??!?!?!! does that count?

L- Love: life
- Letter: T
- Laughed so hard you cried: i have a 3 year old... of couse!

M- Milk flavor: Strawberry!
- Movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.... i will NEVER get over how beautiful this movie is
- Motion sickness: yes, my husband says i can't read a stop sign without getting sick!
- McD’s or BK: BK's ususally don't have playgronds... which one do you think a parent of a 3 yr. old prefers!???!

N- Number: 7 (my birthday!)

O- One wish: why wish.... live for today

P- Perfect Pizza: sausage and mushrooms
- Pepsi/Coke: neither... i hate colas.... ice tea, please!
- Piercings: now or then... hahahhaha!!!

Q- Quail: HUH???????

R- Reason to cry: stess
- Reality T.V.: american idol and The Hills (i admit it!)
- Radio Station: usually my ipod but x96 if i'm in a radio mood

S- Song: The Luckiest by Ben Folds (mostly cuz i never thought i would be...)
- Shoe size: 8.5
- Salad Dressing: depends, i get on a kick for a while then change
- Sushi: DE-licious!
- Skinny dipped? no (but i'm totally impressed with my sis's answere!!!)
- Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries, have you figured that one out yet!???

T- Tattoos?: yep, 4-ish
- Time for bed: depends....
- Thunderstorms: i MISS texas thunderstorms SOOOOO much! gonna have to visit just to hear one again!

U- Unpredictable: my daughter

V- Vacation spot(s): thailand, japan, india....

W- Weakness: a good nap in the afternoon
- Who makes you laugh the most: Indy
- Worst Weather?: scorching hot summers

- X-Rays: oh yes

Y-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: what? indy's 2nd favorite color????? (i don't get this one at all??)

Z- Zoo animal: elephants... they're beautiful to watch, i want to ride one, one day.

1. Slept in a bed beside you? eric
2. You went to the mall with? indy, michelle, lauren, carter, and madi, (but it was for the children's museum so i don't know if that really counts.)
3. You went out to dinner with? lindsay
4. You talked to on the phone? my mom
5. Made you laugh? indy
6. Hugged you? indykat
7. Said they loved you? eric
8. Held your hand? indy
9. You spoke with? indy
10. You cried over? eric


Michelle said...

I think I can arrange Joel to teach you Karate...He is a lethal weapon after all. What's up with the "ish" on the tatoos? Rock on with the Indian food - and I LOVE that you are a spasmatic little gym teacher!!

Jenny said...

Holy Crap! I learned more about you in this one post than like 5 years of working with you. Alright looking back maybe not more just some different stuff.