Monday, November 30, 2009

Egg Nog Will Never Be The Same

For all you mothers out there with more than one child, I'm sure you'll understand where I'm coming from when I tell ya that Indy and I have been having some very "big girl" talks lately.
Talks about how the baby will get out of my body, how they know if its a boy or girl, etc. Today this was our conversation.
Indy: When the baby's here I'll share my cereal with them.
Me: Well, when the baby's born and for a while after, all they'll eat is momma's milk.
Indy: What's momma's milk?
Me: When the baby comes my breast will start making milk for them to drink.
Indy: (with a puzzled look) Will the doctors get the milk out?
Me: Nope, the baby will know how to drink it.
Indy: (still with the puzzles look) huh....
And off we went to school.
Later we stopped at the store for a few groceries. I needed milk and while I was there I saw the egg nog. Since its officially the Christmas season now, I bought some. When we got home I asked Indy if she wanted to try some.
Me: Is it good?
Indy: Uh-huh! Its yummy!.......... Did it come from your boobs?
So I guess somewhere I didn't explain something right....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


read at your own risk!
This photo got posted first because we waited in line 3, yes countem' 3, times to meet Silvermist. She's Indy's VERY favorite!
With Tinker Bell and Terrance

Fawn, Indy's 2nd favoriteRosetta and the "little girls" (that's what these 3 are referred to in our family!)

In front of the Disneyland Hotel
(If you can, make this picture bigger... Indy's face is worth it!)
You know those super-fans that yell and scream, and possibly pass out when their idol comes into eyesite? Well, that was Indy when Minnie walked into the room at the character breakfast. Minnie was great and gave her LOTS of hugs and tickles!
Silly Pluto!

K, so we really only stopped to see Aladdin because there was NO ONE in line, but Indy's smile is too cute not to post this one!

We tried to get her to dance, but she was too in awe at this point I think. We'd only been in the park about 30 minutes and everything was AMAZING!
Don't worry, I'll post more later! (I know you can't wait!)

Friday, November 20, 2009

nuff said!

This story's too good not to share. It really was one of the moments that I thought, "did I really just hear that??!?!"
Of course I hear fabulous stories from kids all the time at work. Really, to all the mom's out there, you'd be shocked what you're kids hear and where the share it. Just a little FYI, even when they look like they're not listening, they are!
But I digress. I think the most shocking thing about this story is, I'm sure the little girl didn't just over hear this. It was taught to her, which is why I'm still in disbelief.
So I was chatting with "Sally."
Sally: I've seen the Eifel Tower.
Me: Oh, really, that's neat.
Sally: Yeah, but you have to be really careful there, because its dangerous.
Me: Oh, because its so high?
Sally: No, because there are black people there that like to take cute children and give them to people that don't have kids.
Me: Oh! Ok?!?! (trying to mask the shock!)
Sally: I was really lucky I wasn't taken.
And I guess I'm just leavin' it at that!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This is how Indy woke up on Sunday morning. But what you can't see is the LARGE amounts of eye crusties... I know. Gross!! So Monday was day one of no school.
But wait, the story gets better!

We were at my parent's house a LOT trying to get her costume done. Eric came home from work feeling really crappy on Monday morning. He actually left work, Monday night and headed to the insta care. He called me while I was at my parents and told me he'd been diagnosed with H1N1... Lovely!
The doctor strongly recommended that he not be around me, his pregnant wife.
Even more lovely, huh?!?
So, we were good and followed the advise of the doctors. Indy's doctor recommended keeping her home from school in case she came down with it. So that was day 2 and 3 of no school.
Needless to say, we were both VERY ready for her to go to school today!
Unfortunately, she missed her Halloween party at school, as well as in her dance class. I also missed my most favorite week of work... poo!
BUT! very fortunately, Eric's temp broke on Tuesday night, so we were able to come home on Wednesday! He's still feeling a bit cruddy, but he's on the mend and that's the most important thing! Also, miraculously, Indy and I managed to stay healthy. Now, we just need to hunt down the vaccine before we come in contact with it again!
And best of all, we finished Indy's AMAZING costume! It makes me happy to see her in it! If you ask her who RainbowBrite is, she'll tell you, "She's the girl that colors the world and makes it beautiful!" She's definitely the RainbowBrite in my world!

Here she is with just 3 (the top 2 on the left are fake) of the 8 pumpkins I carved. I have blisters!
now I need to be done, because I have to pee... again..... :)