For all you mothers out there with more than one child, I'm sure you'll understand where I'm coming from when I tell ya that Indy and I have been having some very "big girl" talks lately.
Talks about how the baby will get out of my body, how they know if its a boy or girl, etc. Today this was our conversation.
Indy: When the baby's here I'll share my cereal with them.
Me: Well, when the baby's born and for a while after, all they'll eat is momma's milk.
Indy: What's momma's milk?
Me: When the baby comes my breast will start making milk for them to drink.
Indy: (with a puzzled look) Will the doctors get the milk out?
Me: Nope, the baby will know how to drink it.
Indy: (still with the puzzles look) huh....
And off we went to school.
Later we stopped at the store for a few groceries. I needed milk and while I was there I saw the egg nog. Since its officially the Christmas season now, I bought some. When we got home I asked Indy if she wanted to try some.
Me: Is it good?
Indy: Uh-huh! Its yummy!.......... Did it come from your boobs?
So I guess somewhere I didn't explain something right....