1. she pretty much always skips the number 5 when she counts. and she's done it since she first started counting regardless of my corrections.
2. she prefers frozen vegitables over any other kind... and i do mean FROZEN! she gets mad if i heat them up at all!
3. she believes in faries and all lost coins that she finds are gifts from them.
4. lately we've been really working on using "kind words" even when she's mad. it's great because now when i get angry with her (or the dog, for that matter) she reminds me to "use my kind words."
5. i often get the question "are you gonna play with me or not!?!"
6. she completely doesn't understand why she has to clean up her own toys. she gets totally flabbergasted if i tell her i'm not helping this time.
7. she LOVES sushi!
8. she lays it down honest. once, when asked by her little gym teacher... teacher: "this is my new friend 'john.' will you be his friend?" indy: "um, no."
9. her favorite form of artistic expression... coloring? NO. painting? NO. cutting paper into the smallest, most abstract pieces possible? yes... go figure?
10. in indy langauge, the words "under" and "behind" equal the same word, "behunder."